Hello FPC Families and Friends,
It has been a rough few weeks. The new presidential administration has goals in mind which are dramatically affecting the people we serve and love in our communities. It is forging different values than those Biblical values we hold regarding including and loving all people God has made, working for justice and equity, and acting with compassion to ensure the wellbeing of all people.
I thought I would write today with a couple of things in mind.
First, try not to let it overwhelm you. Each news cycle brings new warnings and alerts, then later we hear that many of them are being challenged, blocked, delayed, or walked back. If we get overwhelmed, then we give up and let ourselves be lulled into complacency. On the other hand, if we pick a few issues we care about that are affected in this present time, and we find ways to stay involved and do something helpful, then we’re part of the solution. I’m finding my way bit by bit, and I hope you are too! Don’t let complacency win!
Second, this is a time when it’s become crystal clear that there are multiple lenses through which Christians see Scripture and its application to the world. It’s going to create for all of us the question of whether we remain quiet Christians or whether we stand up for our faith, ensuring that we know how it’s rooted in Scripture. My commitment to you is that I will work hard to preach on Jesus’ life and example and what the Bible has to say about key issues. I will respond to questions that you pose about those things, as I’ve already responded to one on immigration from our Monday evening discussion group. I’m asking you to consider your commitment to being in worship, to understanding Scripture better, and to representing Christ well in the world today. Is Christ one who condemns people or loves people? This is a pivotal moment for the church – and our church in particular – to show radical love for all people as Christ did.
Third, I want you to know that I am staying informed and reading everything I can from our denomination and other reliable sources on how to be the best possible support and help for people. I’ll be talking to the Session about some of that, and it would be helpful to know if any of you are feeling called to step up right now to help. I have no specific ideas formulated, so if you have anything on your mind, please be in touch with me by email or cell phone.
Lastly, after the election, I called us to our knees. We need to be in prayer, humbly admitting our role in this and seeking what God wants from us in this time and place. We cannot assume we know the answers. We need to be seeking God’s wisdom and direction. Only God knows what is coming! Please take time daily to be in prayer for our church, for our country, for the world. Meditate on Scripture to help you! Esther might be the most relevant book of the Bible to read – she stepped up during a crisis in her government when certain people, her people, were targeted for destruction! And remember – no matter what the present time, the end is assured. God’s Kingdom will come, God’s Will will be done, and Christ has ultimately defeated evil! We are called to be faithful in the current time and to serve God to the best of our abilities.
I hope to see you Sunday – I’m preaching on I Corinthians 12 and how we honor everyone in the body of Christ. Invite someone who needs that encouragement to join you in church this week, or even online if they’re not ready to come through the door. Your invitations lead to much more than you will ever realize.
In Christ’s service,
Pastor Kimberly