Nurture speaks of all the ways in which we learn and grow together and care for each other no matter our age. FPC offers a variety of programs for our church members and friends, all with an increasing emphasis on being community together across the ages. You’ll find a place where you can learn and grow too, both in God’s Word and in how to live our faith in daily life. Nurture includes the care programs we provide to sustain us all as whole people in God. Our Deacons and Stephen Ministers offer support in the brightest and darkest times of life.

Learn & Grow


Children’s “prayground,” filled with quiet activities connected to our worship that children can be engaged in while their parents sit nearby.


In small group classes, we present opportunities for study, prayer and spiritual growth. We welcome newcomers anytime to any group. See the church calendar or contact the office for more information about scheduled groups.

Follow Me

An intergenerational program called “Follow Me”, brings all ages together to learn about spiritual practices which bring the Bible to life on a daily basis! Age-group level activities will still take place monthly for children and youth in addition to the Follow Me program.


Pastoral Care

It is a joy & privilege as well as a sacred responsibility to walk alongside the members and friends of this congregation in times of joy and sorrow. Pastoral care at First Presbyterian is done by a cohesive team of people who keep compassion and love at their forefront of their ministry. Pastor Kimberly visits and meets with people in their time of need, and our Deacons and Stephen ministers carry on the ongoing care of the congregation and community.


Every member and friend of the congregation has a Deacon assigned to them for regular connection and care. Deacons check in monthly with those on their shepherd lists, coordinate meals and other care for those in need, and organize the congregation in reaching out to those among us with care packages and support.  

Deacons are there to celebrate the birth of a baby and mourn the loss of a member or friend of the church. They are one of your first points of contact in our congregation. 

Although Deacons do rotate and change by terms of service, they are people of deep compassion and care who are committed to serving others with Christ’s love.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is an organized caring ministry that equips members of our congregation to provide one-on-one Christ-centered care to people in our congregation and community. Stephen Ministers assist people in times of grief, illness and recovery, divorce, job loss, or other similar issues. They provide emotional and spiritual support and help people grow in their spiritual lives with God.

A Stephen Ministry relationship is more formal and organized, with a higher level of commitment and a meeting once a week between Stephen Minister and their care receiver. It is an ongoing relationship that ends when the care receiver feels they no longer need the extra level of care. Please see Pastor Kimberly or a member of the Stephen Ministry team for more information.

Daily Devotionals