When you debate what to write, you end up writing late, and that’s what today is. I’ve been reading and having conversations this week, and all of it could be helpful to share. AND I must choose. So here we are.

               We are a global world. It used to be that you could be concerned about just your little corner of the world and not know much more, and that was about what our human systems were designed to handle. Now we are a global world. We know when the markets drop internationally, we know when a war is erupting on the other side of the globe, and we know when a typhoon or hurricane is descending on another country away from ours. It’s much more than our human systems were designed to handle.

               So as I have continued to converse with people in our community and beyond, the conclusion I’m coming to is that our minds need to be directed to what we can handle right here near home. As cuts come to the education department, to food supplies for those making less than twice the poverty level, and more… as prices rise and become unaffordable for many of us… as the domino-effect hits our community, we need to be ready to support our communities according to the values and beliefs we hold.

               We may need to dig deeper to provide food, to bolster education, and to support our local community for jobs and stability, among a few ideas. We have opportunities right in front of us, if we just open our eyes. I want to share a few with you.

               Never has shopping locally been more important. I stopped into Fine Print Bookshop yesterday to tell Bill thank you for helping us order the books we needed. He was overwhelmed with how many of you came to him, many more than he thought might, to get our study book for Lent. It has made a huge difference for him and for his business. Shop local for the win! If you were able to do that, thank you. And Bill thanks you too. Good will is built and values and beliefs are upheld.

               You have an important opportunity to participate in the selection of our next superintendent of schools. Dr. Laatsch is retiring in June, and the school board is on an accelerated process to hire someone who will have the opportunity to work with Dr. Laatsch in transition, then take over on July 1. The school board is having interview times with candidates, and the public is welcome to be present to listen. The survey which will impact the questions they choose and the qualities they look for just closed recently. If you attend the interviews in person (and maybe online as well), you’ll be able to fill out a response form that tells the board what you thought of the candidates. That’s local influence that matters. Here are the dates you need to mark on your calendars:

               First round interviews – late afternoon/evening of April 29 & 30

               Second round interviews – late afternoon/evening of May 7

               I have these dates on my calendar, and I hope a bunch of you will come and sit with me to listen and thoughtfully consider which candidate seems like the one to help Saline move forward, to overcome the challenges we’ve had, including bullying and racism, and to help us shine. This is exactly the kind of local issue that matters to this community – so starting here is important!

               Lots of things are happening on a broader level too, and there are many ways to share your voice. Now the advice is to email your state and national representatives regularly, to express your values with how you spend your dollars and your time, and all of that is important. Underneath all of this is the reality that we have power as long as we don’t give up and abdicate it.

               The more we step up on a local level, the more we identify ourselves as part of First Presbyterian, and the more we study and grow deeper in our faith, the more we are actually living out the mission and vision you approved a few years ago. Look at it one more time… read it carefully, and consider how you might be bringing it to life in the local actions you take! Being who we profess to be in following Christ is one of the greatest contributions we can make to the world. I’m blessed and proud to be serving this church.


                                                            Pastor Kimberly


As we grow in faith and live in hope, First Presbyterian Church of Saline will seek to make God’s story our story by:

Living and deepening our faith through worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and serving​

Inviting people to discern their spiritual gifts for ministry and acts of service​

Sharing Christ’s good news of joy, hope, and healing​

Sharing stories of God’s presence in our lives​

Being a physical and spiritual presence in the community and the world through acts of justice and compassion​

Honoring our Presbyterian heritage while integrating new traditions​

Nurturing a healthy, supportive church culture​

Welcoming, accepting, and affirming all to be part of the story!​