
Rev. Kimberly Secrist Ashby is a native of the Midwest, though she has lived in several different states east of the Mississippi for school and work. A graduate of Vanderbilt University (B.A. in Spanish, M.Ed. in Secondary Education) and Union Presbyterian Seminary (M.Div.), she has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., for more than 20 years. She began her career in ministry focusing on Christian Education with children, youth, and adult, then became a solo pastor and interim pastor.
Pastor Kimberly appreciates creative ministry that helps us grow in our faith, from the way we worship to how we study Scripture and its application to the world we live in today. She enjoys welcoming all ages and helping us all learn from each other in everything we do together. She and her two daughters make their home in Saline, and she enjoys cooking, growing vegetables and herbs, genealogy, art museums, and so much more!
Pastor Kimberly is a trainer with the Center for Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Training, has completed Interim/Transitional Ministry training, and has sat on various boards in community organizations throughout her career. She speaks Spanish fluently and is an experienced grant writer. In Saline, she is a volunteer at Saline Area Social Services.
A personal note from Pastor Kimberly:
Thank you for visiting our website and getting a taste of what our church community life is like. We long to welcome those who are seeking a new place to belong and to feel nurtured and safe. I make every visitor to our sanctuary (whether physical or virtual) a promise: If we are not the church for you, I will personally help you find the right place for you. Your relationship with God is important!
Whether you have a family to raise, you’re not there yet, or you did that years ago, we believe you will find ministry here that will support and encourage you, as well as people with whom to connect. Our emphasis is to bring the generations together. Scripture tells us we have much to learn from all ages, even saying, ‘a little child shall lead them.’ So when we study, play, and worship together, we see everyone contributing to our common life, from the youngest child to the most experienced and wise adult.
In a hurting and anxious world, don’t we all need a place where we are known and loved? Don’t we all seek a place where we can be ourselves, even with our flaws? At First Pres we intentionally work to make a safe and blessed space for us all, because we know it doesn’t just happen by chance. It takes our commitment to each other and our dedication to serving God.
I hope to ‘see’ you soon! Try us out online and see what you think. Feel free to contact me by email to ask any questions you have – and I’ll be happy to respond! May God grant you peace in your heart for whatever may come your way today!